Digital Literacy Assessment 2 


                       This week I’ve been using my critical digital literacy by searching for an Artificial intelligence problem.

                       I’ve been looking at how AI affects our decision-making ability which basically is how AI helps human makes decisions on purchases or business strategies.

                       In recent years AI has been known as Artificial intelligence. Some people tend to rely on AI in their daily activities. Even big businesses are using AI to have ideas about new strategies. Some businesses these days are using AI as an advertisement tool that will suggest to their customer to buy their product based on their habit.

What is Artificial Intelligence? - GeeksforGeeks

                    This is a problem because it seems like keeping track of user is an invasion of the privacy of their client.

                  How algorithms and machine learning can influence our decisions is the subject of AI's influence on decision-making. This covers everything, from crucial financial, medical, and other issues to tailored social media advice.

                    While everybody utilizing AI tools may be impacted, users of digital assistants, social media, and e-commerce sites should pay particular attention. 

                AI might affect our decision-making ability by showing things that we want to buy or we want to try out by using this method, we can easily make a decision that we might regret. 

Cause:      AI affects decision-making by using the advantage in the database that users share with AI. It is being used daily and keeps collecting more data.

Effect: This leads to the effect that they will be more accurate, and efficient.


According to the University of the West of Scotland

                "TRAAP is an evaluation tool that can help you assess the credibility of a source. TRAAP is an acronym that stands for Timeframe, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Purpose. Each of these headings has a set of related questions that help you to decide whether the source is suitable for academic research."

 Article Reference:


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