Using Critical Digital Literacy Skills to Evaluate Online Information Related to the Internet Safety Topic of Online Grooming

Vlog 2 - Assessment 2_ PASCHAL

 Using Critical Digital Literacy Skills to Evaluate Online Information Related to the Internet Safety Topic of Online Grooming

This week, I’ve been putting my critical digital literacy skills to use by searching for information about an important internet safety issue. In an era where digital interactions are present, it’s crucial to be able to critically assess the quality and reliability of online information. My focus has been on understanding online grooming, a serious and increasingly prevalent issue in the digital world.

Introducing the Topic

I’ve been looking at online grooming, which basically refers to the process by which an individual builds a relationship with a child or young person online with the intention of sexually exploiting or abusing them. This can occur through various online platforms, including social media, gaming sites, and messaging apps.

Defining the Topic

Online grooming involves predators establishing a relationship with minors through digital communication. The goal is often to gain the child's trust and then exploit or abuse them. Groomers may use tactics such as flattery, sharing inappropriate content, or offering gifts to manipulate their victims. This behavior can be subtle and gradual, making it challenging for both the victims and their guardians to recognize early on.

Explaining Why It Is an Issue

The significance of online grooming lies in its impact on vulnerable children and teenagers. This issue is critical because it can lead to severe psychological trauma, emotional distress, and, in extreme cases, physical abuse. The affected individuals are typically young people who may not yet have the maturity or experience to recognize the danger. Groomers often use deceitful tactics to make their intentions appear innocent, which complicates detection and prevention efforts.

Identifying the Cause

The primary cause of online grooming is the deliberate actions of predators who exploit the anonymity and reach of the internet. While the internet itself is not the cause, it provides a platform for these predators to find and manipulate their victims. Factors contributing to this issue include the lack of awareness among children about online safety, the ease with which predators can conceal their identities, and the inadequacies in monitoring and parental controls on various online platforms.  

Effects of Online Grooming

The effects of online grooming can be devastating. Victims may experience long-term psychological effects such as anxiety, depression, and issues with trust and relationships. Additionally, they may face physical dangers if the grooming leads to in-person encounters. The broader social impact includes the burden placed on law enforcement and the need for more robust internet safety measures and educational programs.

Introducing the Article

Link to article:

For this evaluation, I will be analyzing an article titled "How to Protect Your Child from Online Grooming: Tips and Strategies" published on a popular parenting website. While the article provides valuable information, it also has several issues that warrant a closer examination. 

Video Evaluation

Link to video

In my video analysis, I will evaluate the article using the CRAAP criteria (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose). This method will help assess the credibility and usefulness of the article by focusing on how current the information is, its relevance to the topic, the authority of the author, the accuracy of the content, and the purpose behind the publication.


I chose the CRAAP method for evaluating the article because it provides a comprehensive framework for assessing the quality of information. This method helps ensure that the content is both reliable and relevant, which is crucial when dealing with sensitive topics like online grooming. The article in question, while informative, had several issues related to outdated information and a lack of authoritative sources. Despite these shortcomings, it offered some useful tips, but a more critical approach to information sourcing is necessary for better online safety practices.

By applying critical digital literacy skills, we can better navigate the complexities of online information and ensure that we are relying on credible sources, especially when it comes to protecting our children from online threats.


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