
Using Critical Digital Literacy Skills to Evaluate Online Information Related to the Internet Safety Topic of Online Grooming

Vlog 2 - Assessment 2_ PASCHAL   Using Critical Digital Literacy Skills to Evaluate Online Information Related to the Internet Safety Topic of Online Grooming This week, I’ve been putting my critical digital literacy skills to use by searching for information about an important internet safety issue. In an era where digital interactions are present, it’s crucial to be able to critically assess the quality and reliability of online information. My focus has been on understanding online grooming, a serious and increasingly prevalent issue in the digital world. Introducing the Topic I’ve been looking at online grooming, which basically refers to the process by which an individual builds a relationship with a child or young person online with the intention of sexually exploiting or abusing them. This can occur through various online platforms, including social media, gaming sites, and messaging apps. Defining the Topic Online grooming involves predators establishing a relationship with min


WELCOME TO MY DIGITAL LIFE  In today’s fast-paced world, our lives are intricately woven with technology. From the moment we wake up to the time we hit the hay, digital devices are our constant companions. Here’s a glimpse into a typical day in my digital life, showcasing how screens and apps shape my daily routine, productivity, and leisure. "In this world that is forever learning yet never coming to the knowledge of the truth, are we evolving into a tech-top society?" This video will show you what I mean and connect you to how technology impacts my daily life............ 6:30 AM - Rise and Shine with a Screen My day starts with the gentle buzz of my smartphone alarm. I’ve set my wake-up tone to a favorite song, which gradually eases me into the morning. After a quick snooze, I check my phone to see notifications—overnight emails, messages from friends, and the latest news headlines. A few swipes on a weather app give me the day’s forecast, helping me decide what to wear. 7:

commit fraud and scamming and how to prevent it

How does scammers use AI to commit fraud/ scamming and how to prevent it? From Kevin Lalu   Introduction Scammers are using AI to commit fraud through several advanced methods. One such method is deepfake technology, which allows them to create realistic videos and audio that mimic real people. This makes it easier for them to impersonate others, tricking victims into believing they are interacting with a trusted individual. AI can also generate synthetic identities by combining real and fake information, helping scammers bypass traditional identity verification systems. Additionally, AI enhances phishing campaigns by producing convincing emails and conducting social engineering attacks with realistic chatbots. These chatbots can mimic human interactions and trick people into sharing personal information or making financial transactions. These tactics make scams more sophisticated and harder to detect (

assessment 2 - dependence of ai in the workplace of ai in the workplace

DEPENDENCE OF AI IN THE WORKPLACE  By Daniella Puot  For the last few weeks I've been putting my digital literacy skills to, I have been searching for information on Artificial intelligence also known as AI and its use in school and the workplace, more specifically employees’ and employers’ dependence on it in the workplace. Recently, AI has become more popular and used a lot more, especially at schools and work but are people getting lazy and using it too often at work?  In the article Written by Rajat Sahoo social media analytics titled “Striking a Balance: The Impact Ai on Employment and Societal Dependence” I will use the CRAAP method to evaluate the article presents its findings. The reason the dependence on AI is becoming an issue is that employees are becoming somewhat lazy and are relying too much on artificial intelligence to do all the work for them. Ai assistance has its merit, but continuous use can make employees dependent. These issues start once employees realise how

Using Critical Digital Literacy Skills to Evaluate Online Information Related to the Internet Safety Topic of AI Overreliance

Using Critical Digital Literacy Skills to Evaluate Online Information Related to the Internet Safety Topic of AI Overreliance  This week I've been putting my critical digital literacy skills to use by searching  for information about an interest safety issue: AI Overreliance     I've been looking at AI overreliance which is basically  when people make decisions in important real-world contexts based on provided information by AI without verifying accuracy. Source: DEFINITION AI overreliance refers to a situation when people have the tendency to make decisions in important real-world contexts by relying on information they found on Internet or by the aid of AI rather than their own living experience or other factors . WHY IT IS AN ISSUE?  Overreliance on AI is an issue because it involves someone placing full trust in AI systems, which can occasionally provide incorrect or unidentified information.  This can lead to a type of decision-making atrophy, w
  Digital Literacy Assessment 2                                 This week I’ve been using my critical digital literacy by searching for an Artificial intelligence problem.                             I’ve been looking at how AI affects our decision-making ability which basically is how AI helps human makes decisions on purchases or business strategies.                            In  recent years AI has been known as Artificial intelligence. Some people tend to rely on AI in their daily activities. Even big businesses are using AI to have ideas about new strategies. Some businesses these days are using AI as an advertisement tool that will suggest to their customer to buy their product based on their habit.                         This is a problem because it seems like keeping track of user is an invasion of the privacy of their client.                       How algorithms and machine learning can influence our decisions is the subject of AI's influence on decision-making. This cov


  INTRODUCTION Hello and welcome to my vlog! I'm Prerana, and I'll evaluate an article on the future of remote work in Australia. The article tells about the latest advancements in remote work in Australia, which essentially involves understanding how technological progress, cultural shifts, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are shaping the way we work. TOPIC INTRODUCTION Remote work refers to working from a location outside of a traditional office environment, often facilitated by technology such as video conferencing, cloud computing, and collaboration tools.   WHAT IS THE ISSUE?  The issue lies in understanding how these advancements impact productivity, employee well-being, and the overall work culture in Australia. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ISSUE  Remote work is significant because it offers flexibility and work-life balance, but also presents challenges such as digital connectivity disparities and maintaining team cohesion.  WHO IS AFFECTED? Remote work affects a wide ra

AI or Evil Intelligence

AI Commits Fraudulent Activity Source - Future of Dental Office with Blended Reception Watch out for Scammers! Source -   Lewis & Clark County Hey guys, this week I have been applying my digital literacy skills to explore the risks individuals face using the internet. During my research, I discovered one of the greatest risks on the internet in 2024 was the threat of malicious activity from AI .  These shocking acts may be performed through  Phishing  and  Criminal Computer Software   which scammers use to create compelling  fraudulent schemes . What is AI? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a cutting-edge technology that has rapidly spread worldwide since its breakthrough. This advanced technology enables computers to mimic human-like thinking and actions in myriad applications. Examples of AI include digital assistants such as Alexa and Siri, which have voice interactive abilities.   Was John Connor right?? Phishing   Phishing occurs when scammers and cybercriminals try to imperson